Thursday, September 8, 2011

raw meat close-up

i sleep in a cocoon of pillows
and shit and blankets
in my dream I write this poem
and it is like a
majestic bird
and you are flying
and you turn around and smile at me and
from the ground I wave and blow you kisses that turn to sand

and in real life
I write this poem
and it is

_____a shit stain on the sidewalk

but in my head I am dreaming
in my head I am flying
in my head is a noose
in my head is a window
in my head is a bedframe
in my head is a corner store
in my head is a cigarette and it is burning
in my head is a clock and it is on fire
in my head is the road
in my head there is nothing

in my head I am a dog
_________in my head I am happy


  1. oh man, she does it again. I love this a lot.

  2. nice
    i like it
    these are my favorite:
    "in my head is a cigarette and it is burning
    in my head is a clock and it is on fire"

  3. i really enjoy your writing lady.
